Friday 5 April 2019

DFI:6 Collaborate - Sites

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
Today I used 'google hangout' again which made me think about how to use this in the classroom for my students.

I have realised that my teaching of 'Digital Literacy' is limited by my pedagogical knowledge so the more I learn the more confidence I have to 'roll it out' to my students.

I believe that the DFI has allowed me to grow my confidence to put my learning out there and to share.

EVERY Teacher needs this INTENSIVE as a foundation for the Digital Literacy Curriculum.

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
The more I learn about the google sites the more I realise that 'LEARN CREATE SHARE' is achievable on many platforms.
1) My own professional development
2) My students learning
3) Staff professional development (when I am more confident)

I have learnt to use 'google aps' that I didnt know existed which has alerted me to the fact that I do not have to reinvent... I just need to become familiar with how to use the tools.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
Google sites:
1) To provide access to learning that is rewindable
2) For students to create their own learning journey around a topic

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
Being prepared by knowing how to use the google tools for learning will over time become a timesaver. Initially as I learn I am sure I will meet challenges but perseverance will win.

Working collaboratively is a fun way to share and to learn from colleagues. Thank you Allie.